Terms of Use

Thank you for visiting our website. By visiting our website and interacting with the content, you accept the following terms of use. Because our services vary, different services may sometimes have additional terms and additional obligations. By using these services, additional terms specified in the relevant fields will also be part of these rules.

1. Methods

Simpliers sweepstakes tools help you choose random winners from interactions such as comments, likes, retweets, replies on platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, X (Twitter). simpliers receives this data anonymously from API services to which it is authorized, subject to the approvals of the platforms. Without making any changes or manipulations on the received data, it takes an intermediary position and offers it directly to the service of the users. By using simpliers lottery tools, you agree that you will comply with the relevant rules of these platforms.

2. Results

The winners of the giveaways are chosen completely randomly on the end-user screen with the help of frequently updated software algorithms. Due to the design of the system, it is not even possible to manipulate the results, as the winners are randomly selected by the devices of the accounts that organized the draw on the user screen.

3. Security Of Giveways

Simpliers takes all necessary precautions to ensure that the results of the giveaways are completely fair and secure. Access to simpliers will be suspended indefinitely for users who attempt to manipulate in any way, even if unsuccessfully, through simpliers, or who use deceptive methods in any way.

4. Sharing

During the announcement of the ended giveaways through simpliers, if the logo, text and images of simpliers and the website are deliberately hidden by visual editing programs or their visibility and clarity is prevented or changes are made by accessing the source codes, Legal Action may be initiated within the scope of the protection of Intellectual and Industrial Rights.